BLSSD was launched in 2015 by Lama Riachi a Masters Degree graduate of the Middle East's leading visual arts and design institution Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA) and one of the most accomplished Creative Directors in the design and communication industry.
As a cancer survivor Lama was exposed to a need and an opportunity to create a fashion label that went beyond just aesthetics and image. To create something with the potential to make a difference. Today BLSSD functions as a social enterprise fashion brand which through our support group, Blessed (together), is dedicated to helping individuals in need whose lives have been touched by cancer.
Blessed (together) annual Anniversary Open House event for support group members and media
Blessed (together)
Today BLSSD functions as a social enterprise fashion brand which through our support group, Blessed (together), is dedicated to helping individuals in need whose lives have been touched by cancer. A purpose close to founder and Creative Director, Lama Riachi’s heart.
As a cancer survivor Lama was exposed to a need and an opportunity to create a fashion label that went beyond just aesthetics and image. To create something with the potential to make a real difference to peoples lives, bring hope and help break the cultural taboos surrounding cancer in our region.
Pop-Up shops for Blessed (together) support group awareness and revenue generation
While Blessed (together) is open to all we focus primarily on the often overlooked and under supported migrant workforce in the region.
A simple philosophy of acknowledging the positive in everything everyday forms the group’s foundation.
Blessed (together) educational Preventive Health workshop event for support group members
The BLSSD fashion label is the key revenue driver helping facilitate:
- treatments for cancer patients lacking medical insurance
- paying for expensive ongoing checkups and medicines
- patients attending scheduled chemotherapy/radiation sessions
- transportation logistics for individuals who have to commute far for treatment
- assist terminal case patients reunite with their family and loved ones
Blessed (together) & Nilaya House Yoga 'Self Care' Pop-Up event
Over the last 4 years we have helped a large group of individuals fight their biggest battles. We have laughed, cried and held the hand of some beautiful and courageous people. We've celebrated with gratitude remissions and recoveries.
And sometimes we have sadly said goodbye but with the knowledge that we helped eased the burden just a little and brought some peace of mind.
Currently, the Blessed(together) support group has 170 active members including cancer patients and survivors, caregivers and healthcare professionals.